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 Studies on Some Antinutritive Factors and In-Vitro Protein Digestibility of Thaumatococcus danielli (Benth) W Studies on Some Antinutritive Factors and In-Vitro Protein Digestibility of Thaumatococcus danielli (Benth) Waste HOT



The waste generated from the extraction process of thaumatin, an intensely sweet protein from Thaumatococcus danielli is about 99,9% (w/w) of the whole fruit. Nutritional assessment of this waste was carried out to identify its possible use as animal feedstuff.

Levels of phytic acid, polyphenols, tannins and saponins in the pericarp and seed of T danielli were determined, Sequential extraction, solubility profile and in vitro digestibility of T. danielli proteins were also carried out.

T, danielli pericarp contained 4.10mg/g tannins, 22.67 mg/g phytic acid, 224.17mglg polyphenols and 0.6mg/g saponins. The seed contained 7 5mg/g tannins, 25.67mg/g phytic acid, 61.67mg/g polyphenols and 0.74mg/g saponins.

Preliminary solubility profile of T. danielli proteins showed dilute alkali to be one of the best solvents for protein extraction of both pulp and seed (0. 5M NaOH and 1.0M NaOH respectively). From the sequential protein extraction, glutelins were highest in both seed and pulp (45% and 40% respectively), while albumins were the least with 8% and 1% respectively of the extractable protein. Protein digestibility was low in both pericarp and seed (44.6% and 38.9% respectively).

Created 2016-08-13
Version Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol 16, 2001
Size 189.67 KB
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Created by Olakunle, Joel
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