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Sponge gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca) seed proteins: Chemical evaluation of the protein qua Sponge gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca) seed proteins: Chemical evaluation of the protein quality HOT



Protein isolate of the Luffa aegyptiaca seeds and the seed meal were studied with respect to their composition and their chemical properties. The total protein content of the seed meal was 61.25% and this was found to be very rich in arginine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid as well as in the sulphur containing amino acids. The classification of the proteins showed that globulins constituted the bulk of the proteins (79%). The rest were albumin 10.7%, glutelins 5.9% and prolamins 4.37%. The amino acid pattern of the globulins is similar to that of the seed meal. The SDS-poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed 5 bands for the seed meal, a molecular weight range from 24 -29 x 103 daltons to below 14.2 x 103 daltons. The globulin fraction also revealed 4 bands with the most prominent being below 14.2 x103daltons. The in-vitro protein digestibility of the seed meal was quite high at 78.0 ± 4.6%. It is expected that processing treatment like boiling, roasting etc. would increase this value appreciably. This study therefore involves studies on the protein isolates of the Luffa aegyptiaca seeds and the seed meals with respect to their composition and functional properties.

Created 2016-08-13
Version Bioscience Research Communications: Vol 21 No 6, December 31, 2009
Size 371.2 KB
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Created by Olakunle, Joel
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