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Effects Of Fermentation On The Quality And Composition Of Cassava Mash(G Effects Of Fermentation On The Quality And Composition Of Cassava Mash(Gari) HOT



The changes that took place during the fermentation of cassava mash over a period of ten days at ambient temperature (28 - 32°C) were investigated. On daily basis, changes in pH, titratable acidity, hydrocyanic acid (HCN), ascorbic acid as well as chemical composition were determined. pH decreased significantly (p<0.05) from 6.4 to 3.2 while titratable acidity initially increased significantly (p<0.05) from 0.2% to 0.8%  from the first to the fourth day and thereafter reduced to 0.5%. HCN reduced significantly from 6.5 mg/100g to 3.2 mg/100g, while ascorbic acid increased significantly from 24  mg/100g to 28 mg/100g. Moisture content increased significantly (p<0.05) from 65.94% to 77.1% while protein, crude fibre and ash increased significantly (p<0.05%) within the first  four days and thereafter decreased all through. Totai plate count increased significantly  from 5.2 x 10Jcfu /g to 8.4 x 105cfu/g within four days and thereafter reduced to 3.0 x 102cfu/g, Results obtained showed that fermentation for a period of four days will be adequate for optimum development of nutrients and organoleptic quality of cassava mash for gari processing.

Created 2016-08-13
Version International Journal of Food Nutrition and Safety, 2015, 6(1): 30-41
Size 500.54 KB
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Created by Olakunle, Joel
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