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Spent mushroom compost for bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted Spent mushroom compost for bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted soil HOT



The global anthem of wastes utilization has led to the use of agro-based wastes for production of edible mushrooms. Wastes have been utilized to produce mushrooms, and also generate larger amount of wastes. Several experimental trials on the alternative uses of spent mushroom composts have been reported. This review paper examined existing studies on the uses of SMC, and possibilities of utilization as amendment option to bioremediate petroleum hydrocarbon-polluted environment. Retinues of work have successfully reported the effectiveness of SMC in bioremediation, but a major limitation of these studies is that they are all laboratory-scale experiments. Thus, there is need to upgrade the use of SMC for bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted soil to field-scale or in-situ level.

Created 2016-08-13
Version Global Advanced Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology (ISSN: 2315-5140) Vol. 4(1) pp. 001-007, April 2015
Size 410.68 KB
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Created by Olakunle, Joel
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