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The products are electroplated bottle openers and refurbished spark plugs. The industry is still grey in Nigeria despite the numerous applications of electroplating technology. An array of application of electroplating services has been observed in the area of jewelry, metal furniture, stationaries, building and household packaging etc. Electroplating is an electrochemical process for depositing a thin layer of metal usually on a metallic base. Generally, objects are electroplated to; prevent corrosion, obtain a hard surface or attractive finish, purify metal (as in the elctro-refining of copper) and separate metals for quantitative analysis. Cadamium, Chromium, Copper, Zinc, Gold, Nickel, Silver and Tin are the metal most often used in plating. Typical products of electroplating are silver-plated tablewares, chromium plated automobile accessories and tin plated food containers. The Federal Institute of Industrial Research has developed and perfected the technology for electroplating and spark refurbishing. The technology is available at the Institute to potential and emerging entrepreneurs through the Institute Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship Development Programme.




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