
Okro, Abelmoschus esculentus, also known as Lady’s Fingers, is popular in Africa, the Middle East, Greece, Turkey, India, the Caribbean, South America and the Southern U.S. It is not a very common vegetable in most European countries, except for Greece and parts of Turkey. Okra is a member of the Mallow family, related to cotton, hibiscus and hollyhock. Okra is a tall (6 ft) annual tropical herb cultivated for its edible green seed and unripe seed pod as vegetable.

Plantain flour is the product obtained when matured wholesome raw plantain fruits are peeled, dried, milled and sieved to desired particle sizes.

Cashew nut is the edible seed of the cashew fruits obtained from the cashew tree Anacardium Occidentale of the family Anacardiaceae. Edible Cashew Kernel is a snack product rich in energy carbohydrate (22%), protein (21%) and non-cholesterol fat (47%).The processed cashew seed is served as a snack or used in recipes, like other nuts, although it is actually a seed.

Plantain, or cooking plantain, is one of the less sweet cultivated varieties (cultivars) of the genus Musa whose fruit is also known as the banana. Plantains contain more starch and less sugar than dessert bananas and are therefore usually cooked or otherwise processed before being eaten. They are consumed in various forms, which includes as chips.
Plantain chips are spherical or elongated shaped deep-fried product obtained from a wholesome unripe (green) matured plantain fingers.
Onion is a vegetable crop that is used in spicing foods and soups in so many parts of the world including Nigeria and it is produced in commercial quantity in Nigeria especially in northern parts of the country. The crop is highly perishable and a lot of it goes to waste because of the general lack of storage facilities in the country.

Mango juices are produced from mango fruits. Mango belongs to the genus Mangifera, consisting of numerous tropical fruiting trees, cultivated mostly for edible fruit. Fruit generally has been defined as the ripened ovary of flower, with or without other associated parts. Fruits can be classified broadly into two, namely; juicy and pulpy fruits. Juicy fruits include: orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, tangelo, pumelo, and so on while pulpy fruits include pineapple, mango, pawpaw, banana, cashew, guava, breadfruits, avocado pear and so on.

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) may be defined as the naturally processed, chemically free and additive-free product from fresh coconut meat or its derivative (coconut milk and coconut milk residue), which has not undergone any further chemical processing after extraction. VCO is the newest, high-value coconut product very much sought after for its human, nutraceutical benefits and as a functional food. It is the purest form of coconut oil, water white in color, contains natural vitamin E and with very low free fatty acid content (even without refining) and low peroxide value. It is produced at temperature below 100ºC. It is cholesterol and aflatoxin free and contains high amount of lauric acid and 1% fatty acid rendering the products to be shelf stable for two years. Ideal Virgin Coconut Oil must possess the following characteristics:
a) Water white color;
b) Contain not higher than 0.1% free fatty acid;
c) Maximum of 0.1% moisture content;
d) Maximum peroxide value of 0.5 mg per kilogram of oil;
e) Lauric fatty acid content of 46-53%; and
f) 40% mg tocopherol (vitamin E) per kilogram of VCO.

Tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry of the nightshade Solanumlycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. Tomato juice is a juice produced from tomatoes. It is usually served as a beverage, either plain or in cocktails such as a Bloody Mary or Michelada.
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